Nisbets #BeMoreChef

Empowering amateur chefs with the tools to do more

TV Ad for Nisbets

Nisbets is renowned as suppliers of professional catering equipment. And now they are opening stores across the country to the public. To launch this campaign they needed a reach out to a target market of keen amateur chefs living in proximity to their retail outlets.

We met with Nisbets to understand their motivation and get clarity on their video production messaging. We then responded with mood boards and a punchy script so they could be sure we were on the right lines. Once this was approved we went on to casting actors and selecting the perfect professional and domestic locations. Filming was done on the beautiful Sony Venice in 6K so that stills from the rushes could be utilised for print, ensuring consistency across the entire campaign. Our creative team, working closely with Nisbets’ ad agency, Creation (now Fiora), came up with the hashtag #BeMoreChef which was later adopted across digital.


AdSmart Impressions


Households Viewed Ad To Completion

The results? A bold, visually rich addressable TV ad that introduced Nisbets to the B2C market for the first time. Twelve variations of the ads were targeted on Sky AdSmart according to the postcode of the audience. The AdSmart campaign used a range of lifestyle filters to identify Experian Mosaic types more likely to enjoy cooking and live in the areas with a reasonable drive time of a Nisbets store. Within the first week of broadcast, they reached almost 60,000 households with 65k impressions served (over 75% viewed). As a result, footfall increased at stores within targeted postcode areas.

This has been one of the highlights of my career so far and I hope that our audience enjoys it as much as we enjoyed making it. I feel the work we have produced has been absolutely exemplary and everyone should feel very proud. I cannot thank you enough. Jack Thompson, Retail Marketing Manager, Nisbets

Nisbets tv advert
Nisbets tv advert
Nisbets tv advert
Nisbets tv advert
Nisbets tv advert