Videos that promote game-changing innovation

For game-changing SaaS, engineering and tech companies, it can sometimes be difficult to explain what sets you apart. That’s where video helps. You can establish the benefits of your products or services and what makes it a worthwhile investment for your customers, and use video to attract and retain talent. Win new clients with a pitch-perfect animation or live action video that brings clarity to your brand.


Upland PostUp

Animated explainer for new software release

Upland PostUp is a new software that effectively monetizes your media & publishing email campaigns, we created this 2D animated explainer to help showcase what PostUp does in a easy and clear way.

teenage girl looking at a laptop screen

Condense Reality

Promotional videos for Metaverse start-up

Condense Reality captures real-world events such as music concerts in 3D using a hi-tech portable multi-camera system. It then streams the event into the Metaverse in real-time. To support its marketing, we created a showcase and demo video to demonstrate Condense's work to a B2B technology audience using a Sony Venice set-up with Astera lighting.

IC Tech video production

Influencer Intelligence

Animated product demo for influencer marketing platform

For B2B marketing tool Influencer Intelligence, a series of videos was required for to convert prospects and onboard clients for its new service, Influencer Connect. We created two videos - a short animated promo to highlight the SaaS platform's benefits, and a second animated product demo.

phone screen

Digital Catapult

Video profile series for UK authority in advanced technology

As part of our work with Digital Catapult, we partnered with the team at Niantic to develop a series of videos to showcase the works of augmented reality apps Ekhos, Bazaar and Tooncup3D.

Fundraising videos

Company culture and recruitment videos

Promotional videos

Internal comms videos

Animated explainers

Video tutorials

Video production

Social media content

Motion graphics


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Digital Catapult
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Skylark Media is Rocketmakers video production supplier
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